Ziegler Collection

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Hand Knotted Ziegler-Classical Design
6'3" x 2'10"

The Beach Lagoon Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

This exquisite hand spun wool rug, like a tranquil lagoon across the shore, weaves a tale of artistry in every thread. Its vibrant deep blue tones, harmoniously paired with a...
The Mamluk Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug - Arrant Luxury
6'4" x 6'6"

The Mamluk Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

Within the woolen threads of this rug, centuries whisper softly as the cherished relic from distant lands ignites an aura of the 16th century right into your living space. Hand-knotted...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Abusan Design
6'3" x 3'4"

The Indigo Radiance Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

A masterpiece in every detail, the Hand-Spun Wool Indigo Radiance Rug is crafted with utmost precision, depicting a tale of heritage through its deep, vibrant blue tones and intricate Tajek...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Classical Design
3'11" x 2'7"3'10" X 2'8"

The Oceanic Bliss Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

$550.00From $500.00
This exquisite handwoven rug graces your living space with its radiant light blue tones, akin to shimmering waters. The cream-toned border and intricate patterns along the edges exude sophistication. Crafted...
The Maroon Oasis Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug - Arrant Luxury
3'10" x 2'7"

The Maroon Oasis Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

Crafted with immense precision, The Maroon Oasis hand spun rug is a tribute to the timeless art of hand weaving. Its vibrant maroon tones are gracefully complemented by a lush cream-toned border...
The Blue Dawn Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug - Arrant Luxury
3'9" x 2'7"

The Blue Dawn Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

This exceptional hand-woven rug bathes your living space in the brilliance of a dawn sky flirting with the sun. With its luminous light blue tones, vibrant gold border, and striking...
The Crimson Ivory Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug - Arrant Luxury
3'10" x 2'7"

The Crimson Ivory Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

Handwoven with thorough precision, this cream-toned rug adorned with a vibrant red border and delicate patterns in the center embodies the essence of sophistication. It weaves an ambiance of minimalism...
The Desert Rose Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug - Arrant Luxury
9'6" x 2'6"

The Desert Rose Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

This exquisite hand spun rug, with its subtle cream tones and vibrant red border, transports your living space to a realm of sophistication. Adorned with vague traditional patterns in a...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Classical Design
9'1" x 6'8"

The Teal Tide Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

A tapestry of tranquility, this handwoven rug, adorned in serene teal blue, features delicate, traditional motifs in sandy tones, offering a minimalist allure that soothes the soul. With an essence...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Modern Design
9'3" x 6'8"

The Splendor Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

Unveil the Splendor, one of Arrant Luxury's modern editions to the Ziegler collection. Handcrafted in the heartlands of craftsmanship, the Splendor is an attestation to Afghan artistry. Their soft color palettes and vintage charm invite...
The Blue Rose Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug - Arrant Luxury
10'1" x 8'2"

The Blue Rose Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

Deep blue hues intertwine with sand-colored borders, creating a mesmerizing visual harmony. Its floral motifs narrate a tale of authentic tradition and impeccable craftsmanship, inviting you to embark on a...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Classical Design
9'8" x 8'0"

The Scarlet Dream Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

Crafted from the heart of artisanal tradition, our Hand Knotted Scarlet Dream rug is an ode to timeless elegance. The deep cream tones, set off by a rich red border adorned...