Specialty Collection

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The Divine Hand Knotted Specialty Rug - Arrant Luxury
4'0" x 2'5"

The Divine Hand Knotted Specialty Rug

Crafted with devotion and immense detail, this handwoven sheep wool hanging mat is a masterpiece of sacred beauty. Adorned with the 99 names of Allah in elegant Arabic script, it exudes a...
Arrant Luxury Silk-Mehrab Design
3'0" x 2'0"

The Sacred Pearl Hand Knotted Specialty Rug

Each thread of the the Sacred Pearl rug narrates a story of exquisite artistry. This handcrafted masterpiece transforms your space into a sanctuary of serenity. Its pearl white backdrop exudes...
The Onyx Radiance Hand Knotted Specialty Rug - Arrant Luxury
4'0" x 2'5"

The Onyx Radiance Hand Knotted Specialty Rug

Crafted with divine precision, the Onyx Radiance sheep wool hanging mat narrates the sacred names of Allah across its inky black canvas, creating an aura of spiritual sanctity. As you...
The Sacred Ayatul Kursi Hand Knotted Specialty Rug - Arrant Luxury
4'0" x 2'5"

The Sacred Ayatul Kursi Hand Knotted Specialty Rug

Adorn your space with a tapestry of divine elegance, where every thread whispers sacred verses. This hanging mat, adorned with Ayat ul Kursi, radiates a Quranic aura that captivates with...
Arrant Luxury Special-Kaaba Door
6'0" x 4'0"5'0" X 3'0"

The Sacred Ka'aba Door Hand Knotted Specialty Rug

From $807.00
This hand-woven sheep wool hanging mat is a testament to artistry, replicating the sacred Kaaba Door adorned with Quranic scripture in shimmering gold. Each thread radiates a captivating aura, inviting...
The Golden Scripture Luminaire Hand Knotted Specialty Rug - Arrant Luxury
5'0" x 3'0"

The Golden Scripture Luminaire Hand Knotted Specialty Rug

Crafted with devotion and adorned with the sacred Ayat ul Kursi, our hanging mat is a sheep wool masterpiece of sacred artistry. In rust and black, it exudes the mystique...
Arrant Luxury Special-Jaaldar Bukhara Design
17'2" x 3'0"

The Cream Dreamscapes Hand Knotted Specialty Rug

Crafted from exquisite sheep wool, this handwoven rug adorns your space with captivating geometric patterns in bold, rich colors. Like a treasure from the heart of Turkey, it invites you...
The Jaldar Beige - Arrant Luxury
4'1" x 2'6"

The Jaldar Beige

The Jaldar Beige rug is a high-quality, durable option for any home. Made with intricate, traditional designs, it adds sophistication and style to any room. With its warm beige tones,...
The Jaldar Pink - Arrant Luxury
4'0" x 2'6"

The Jaldar Pink

Introducing the Jaldar Pink, a true masterpiece in craftsmanship. With its stunning pink design, this product is sure to add a touch of elegance to any room. Made with the...