Hand-Knotted Rugs

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The Onyx Rose Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug - Arrant Luxury
9'7" x 8'2"

The Onyx Rose Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

Intricacy in every strand, the Onyx Rose transforms a living space into a captivating masterpiece. With its deep, enchanting shades of grey as the backdrop, two vibrant roses at the heart...
The Saffron Serenity Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug - Arrant Luxury
7'10" x 5'7"

The Saffron Serenity Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

Immerse yourself in the serenity of our Saffron Ziegler rug. Crafted with soft, muted colors and an intricate pattern, the Saffron Serenity adds a touch of tranquility to any room....
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Classical Design
7'10" x 5'7"

The Distant Horizons Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

This hand-woven masterpiece, drenched in a tranquil sky-blue hue and adorned with striking cream patterns, emanates contemporary allure. Crafted with expert artistry, it is an embodiment of modern sophistication, breathing refreshing...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Classical Design
9'1" x 6'8"

The Teal Tide Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

A tapestry of tranquility, this handwoven rug, adorned in serene teal blue, features delicate, traditional motifs in sandy tones, offering a minimalist allure that soothes the soul. With an essence...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Classical Design
7'8" x 5'6"

The Magic Carpet Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

The captivating hand spun rug, awash in the softest shades of light blue, is a masterpiece that breathes serenity into your living space. Delicate sand-toned patterns, like whispers in the...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Modern Design
9'3" x 6'8"

The Splendor Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

Unveil the Splendor, one of Arrant Luxury's modern editions to the Ziegler collection. Handcrafted in the heartlands of craftsmanship, the Splendor is an attestation to Afghan artistry. Their soft color palettes and vintage charm invite...
Fine Hand Knotted Kazak-Antique Oriental Design
9'4" x 6'9"

The Serenity Hand Knotted Super Kazak Rug

With a cream backdrop that serves as a serene canvas, the Kazak rug weaves a captivating tapestry of tradition and coziness. Its vibrant motifs at the heart of the rug...
Fine Hand Knotted Kazak-Antique Oriental Design
8'0" x 5'6"

The Garnet Gleam Hand Knotted Super Kazak Rug

Crafted with unmatched artistry, the Garnet Gleam transforms your home into a captivating masterpiece. This hand-woven Kazak rug, adorned with three vibrant and bold abstract multicolored motifs at its heart, adds...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Classical Design
7'10" x 5'8"

The Midnight Sonata Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

A Harmonious Masterpiece in the deepest of blues, adorned with striking cream patterns that dance like moonlight on water. Crafted by skilled hands, this rug is a testament to tradition...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Abusan Design
6'9" x 4'10"5'11" X 3'11"

The Royal Sapphire Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

From $1,515.00
Introducing the Royal Sapphire, its deep blue tones and vibrant, colorful patterns create an enchanting tapestry of elegance that dances across your living space. With each hand spun thread, it...
The Golden Scripture Luminaire Hand Knotted Specialty Rug - Arrant Luxury
5'0" x 3'0"

The Golden Scripture Luminaire Hand Knotted Specialty Rug

Crafted with devotion and adorned with the sacred Ayat ul Kursi, our hanging mat is a sheep wool masterpiece of sacred artistry. In rust and black, it exudes the mystique...
Hand Knotted Ziegler-Classical Design
9'8" x 8'0"

The Scarlet Dream Hand Knotted Ziegler Rug

Crafted from the heart of artisanal tradition, our Hand Knotted Scarlet Dream rug is an ode to timeless elegance. The deep cream tones, set off by a rich red border adorned...